What I think every time Google maps says “You have arrived.”
If only there was a "you have arrived" message like Google maps gives you. Instead, when it comes to personal development, healing past traumas, working on our relationships, doing "the work", etc., we are never done. We never really arrive, because there is always more work that can be done. We never quite arrive, even though we think that’s what it will feel like when we do. That we’ll get a congratulatory message that we’ve arrive! But we don’t, so that’s why it’s so important to celebrate ourselves and our small wins. We’re so used to our inner critic or other people in our life telling us it doesn’t matter. But it actually does matter and that’s one of the reasons working with a coach is so magical 🦄💫. Coaches are often telling you you’re being too hard on yourself AND helping you celebrate when you reach your goals (that tends to happen a lot when you work with a coach 😍).
It's also not always so obvious when you've arrived at this place you've been working towards. If you're not paying attention, you might miss the point when you arrive at “future you”. Because it doesn’t look like what you though it would. The big picture stuff is there…she has the family! And the house! And the career change(s) that she navigated…to be able to do the work she wants in the world! But they were hard fought. The work and journey to get there didn’t look like what either of you though they would . You didn’t quite recognize her at first, partially because you didn’t imagine that “future you” would still have things she struggles with. That she might not be “happy”, even though she’s joyful. She prioritizes joy and rest and she’s happy that she’s figured out how to do “the work”. That she still has anxiety, but now she knows how to manage it and take care of herself in an integrated way. 💃🏻
Perhaps what’s most awesome about realizing you’ve arrived at “future you” is that “past you” envisioned you when she was struggling and wasn’t sure she’d ever become a mother. She had just learned that heartbreak isn’t only the romantic kind like she had always thought. And yet, she decided to believe that one day she would become “future you.” One foot in front of the other, even when she felt like it was impossible to take another step, she kept moving towards that vision. Even when she was crying and feeling broken and so so lost. She got back up every single time the waves knocked her down. She learned that resilience was her superpower because now she knows she will get back up. Every. Single. Time. She has arrived. 💖